In 2010, Tristan was approached by Newlands Primary School in Ramsgate, to co-produce a feature length film adaptation of the beloved children's book "Blitzed" by celebrated author Robert Swindells. On a shoestring budget, with only 11 school days' worth of shooting, Tristan co-wrote the screenplay and directed. Samuel Pearce was the DoP and the film premiered in summer 2010. Swindells was present for the first screening and was delighted to see his characters brought to life by the cast of Year 6 (10-11 year old) children.
When Second World War enthusiast George Wetherall is separated from the rest of his primary school class on a field trip to a local museum, he is catapulted back in time to the 1940s, where he discovers courage, friendship and treachery – and learns, first hand, that war comes at a price.